Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Back To School--College Edition

Well, it's almost that time again. Back to School season is approaching vastly. Some are already hip to the back to school routine, and some are going into their first year of college. *tear, tear* Well, I had something that I wanted to share with the new and returning students.

First and foremost, and the MOST important thing, is to make the ABSOLUTE MOST out of your college experience! I'm two years out of college, and I'd have to honestly say that college was such a major highlight in the 20 something years that I've been on this earth. I had such a great experience! I meet a lot of lifetime friends. Friends that will probably be the bridesmaids in the my wedding. I even met the person I thought I was going to marry. Lol. Hey, we still may get married, but I'm going to leave that up to God if it's meant to be. Anywho, I definitely encourage you to balance academics and social life. My freshman year, I did have fun, but I was always in my room. (Biology major...uh...HELLO....lol). And parts of me regret being in my room all the time. But in my preceding years, I vowed that I wouldn't be that nerd who couldn't balance having fun and being focused on her school work--so I became a cool nerd! So my sophomore all the way until my senior year...I made sure to have a ball! And I sure did! Going to school in Atlanta didn't help much with maintaining focus, but I did it! lol

Secondly, make sure you remember the reason why you came to school. Whether you chose to go away, or to stay close to home but live on campus, PLEASE do not lose sight of your education. I can't tell you how many people I saw come in my year and ended up dropping out or flunking out because they were soo concerned with partying and forgetting that they paid ALL this money to handle business with their education. I can't say that I was the scholarly student in high school. I was a solid B student, but I tell you, when I got to college, I handled business, and C's were OUT the question for me (although I do have a few of those on my transcript...but all the A's counteract those C's *nerd smile*) . You have to remember that your parents sent you away in hopes of you obtaining your Bachelor's degree. And you also have to remember that you do have this new freedom and you're not going to have any one telling you that you need to go to class or do your homework. You HAVE to stay on top of it!

Thirdly, refund checks are AMAZING, but word of advise, DO NOT blow your refund thinking you're big money now! Lol. I've known soo many to "ball" so hard on loan money. You know that you DO have to pay that back later in life right? So be responsible with it and don't blow it all in one place. Oh, you really wanted that $700 Louis V bag? It really is just pointless. Instead, be responsible with that money. I never had a job within the 4 years I was in college, so my refund check I used as a means of survival and it always lasted me until the next semester and then some while getting another check. So I'd recommend you doing the same. Buy the essentials like groceries, toiletries, pay for books, and treat yourself occasionally. But don't BLOW it. Trust me, you'll need that money. Lol. If you can, and this is what I wish I did, keep that money in a savings account, so when it comes time for "loan repayment", you can give it right back to Sallie Mae or to whatever lender you got your loan from.

I encourage you OHH SO GREATLY, to get help in a class that you may be struggling with and to form study groups. I CANNOT tell you how much study groups and asking for help has HELPED me. I had my trouble courses, and without asking for help, devoting my all into the course, and having others to help, I would probably still be trying to obtain my degree...REAL TALK. My last semester, I had this one trouble class (Intro to BioChemistry....yikes! And it was harder because it was the one semester course.). It was partly my fault in why it was so troublesome because I was having a major case of senioritis. Once midterms kicked in and I saw that I was barely passing, I had to get on it! This could NOT be the class that was going to keep me from graduating. (In fact, that WAS that only class that would of kept me back...I had A's in all my other ones). So I worked my ass off like no other. The results, well, I am sitting here giving you guys tips and advice right? :-)

Well, last but not least ( I don't want to babble on too long with this...lol), surround yourself with positive people and be careful of the people who you call friends. Don't do anything in college that would make your family very disappointed in you. I'm not talking about failing a class, because it happens. I'm more so talking about the things that compromise your morals and standards. Be careful who you make your boyfriend and or "boo thang". Please do NOT get caught up in girl and boy drama. Don't allow "relationships" to steer your focus away from your work. It's all about balance and time management.

Overall readers, I just want you to have a BOMB time in college. It really will be memories that you will NEVER forget. For those that are returning, continue to make the best out of this collegiate experience and take heed to some advice if it struck a nerve or made sense to you. The newbies....awww...I can't stop saying that. I remember when my family dropped me off at school. For 18 years I couldn't WAIT to get out the house, and when I finally got down there, I cried. Lol. I didn't want my mother to leave me. Talk about confused. Lol. But I do not regret ONE THING about the experiences I've had there, because everything there made me everything that I am today! So enjoy it, because after college, you have the REAL WORLD, and that's filled with BILLS, the pressure to start your career, the confusion with figuring out what exactly you want to do, and maybe the disappearance and growing apart of individuals you thought were your friends. But no worries about that now young ones. :-). Handle business!

Enjoy these moments...you can't get them back!

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