I guess the real question is, why do men cheat? Why do you guys think it's acceptable to get into a relationship only to cheat on the person you're with? Like, does that make sense to you? I'm very baffled by this...seriously! Honestly, I DO NOT WANT TO HEAR that bull sh*t about you guys not wanting to be tied down, and there are soo many attractive women out there and all that other crap! You want to go around and be promiscuous and stick your penis in everything that walks (yes I said PENIS...no need to be discrete...that's what it's CALLED), BE MY EFFIN guest, but NOT at the expense of a woman's heart! That's selfish, insensitive, and STUPID! It's one thing if you slipped up and cheated on your woman once, but if she sat there and gave you another chance and you made all these promises to her to NEVER cheat or lie to her again and YOU STILL CHEATED...there are just no WORDS for such behavior and you deserve to be ALONE!

I say you guys are the dumber sex for a reason--you lack maturity and think only with your penis when you NEED to be thinking with your heart and mind. I'd rather a guy leave me before he cheated on me BUT ALSO, I'd rather a guy not even get me involved with hi, if he isn't sure that he wants to be monogamous or even have doubts if he's ready for a long term relationship. Don't string me along for YEARS saying that you see a future with us, kids, marriage and the whole nine yards, just for you to decide one night or day that you're "not ready for this type of relationship"....because you want to be a "rolling stone" and sleep around. NEGRO...are you SERIOUS!?!?!? GTFOH with that BULL! Smh! (Didn't I warn you guys about my emotions being revealed during this post...lol). I do digress though. Let me take it down a couple of notches.
On a serious note "men", I really don't understand why it takes you guys so much longer to mature. Why is it so hard to just commit to one beautiful woman? The thing that you guys fail to realize that there will ALWAYS be beautiful women. The world is filled with beautiful people in general. Is one night of pleasure worth losing that person that you love the most? Like seriously, think about it? It's one thing if she "drives you" to cheat or to even think about stepping out, but if she's done nothing but be the best wife/girlfriend what she could be towards you, is va jay jay really worth losing it all? But, here's the thing about you guys...you like to learn the hard way. Experience sh*t for your self, then realize down the road that you effed up and made a mistake. By that time, that GREAT woman that you sh*tted on is gone. It's already hard enough these days to find a life partner, because you honestly don't know who's out to get you,who comes with TOO much baggage, or who's really READY for a COMMITTED monogamous relationship. It's truly heart breaking to me to hear a story like the one I heard this morning, especially from the people who I care about the most. I seriously think it's time for you "men" to GROW SOME BALLS and MAN UP! But yet again, I digress...
I can no longer continue with this post, because I will keep going. I do not wish ANY BAD or ANYONE. Quite frankly for the men that has broken a woman's heart because of cheating or leaving her because you want to be a "male whore", then honestly, you deserve EVERY BIT of karma that comes at you, and believe me, she comes around STRONG. I just hope that she doesn't kick you in the balls too much...but then again, that's probably what you need!
Ladies, if cheating is something that you've dealt with, I'm sorry that you had to go through that. I wouldn't wish that even upon my worst enemy. Matters of the heart should never be played with, and they should have never played with yours. If you're in a happy and healthy relationship now, I TRULY commend you, and do everything to make your relationship work. If you're bruised by such an experience, it's time to put a band aid and let it heal (assuming it's not recent). I say that all men are DUMB, but really, not all are. There are some out there that knows EXACTLY what they want when it comes to a beautiful black queen, and are past thinking with their penises. They're rare out there, but they ARE out there. Just be patient.
Men who cheat...I have no words for you but to grow up.! Men who leave the women they love to sleep around....I'll keep my thoughts to myself...but have fun with that...and I hope you don't catch anything. *shrugs* Immature men....for the birds...REAL MATURE MEN...now...that's what I like! ;-)
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