Moving on though, before I move on to the survey, I wanted to put in my two cents about the topic. There's nothing wrong with being sexual. I think that sex should be shared between two individuals that believe in being monogamous, mature enough to deal with it, and love each other. (Or very into each other past the physical aspect.) I'm not judging anyone that goes and has sex all willy nilly. That's a personal decision, and as long as you're being a smart sexual active person, do your thing. My opinion, I think that the experience is better when you have a deep connection that is FAR PAST the physical. It makes the experience that more enjoyable. Now, with that being said, this survey focus primarily on the sexual relationships between people who are in a relationship. Unfortunately, this is only for the ladies, but fellas, you are more than likely to rely this survey to your girlfriends or wives. This is a fun quiz to see if you need to step it up a couple of notches in the bedroom, or keep up the good work. Lol. So are you boring or exciting? Grab a paper and a pen and answer the questions below ladies.
>> In anticipation of sex, you slip into....
1. his discarded boxers and a T- Shirt
2. this clothes you wore to the gym
3. a short, silky slip
4. nothing at all
>>To let him know you want sex, you
1. wait expectantly
2. brush your hair and teeth
3. give him a come-hither look
4. make it clear with a strategic touch
>> Your idea of foreplay is
1. is that the same as first base?
2. whatever time is takes to remove your clothes and get down to business
3. a candlelight dinner
4. a slow, sensual massage
>> You express yourself during sex by
1. imitating the noises women make in Hollywood sex
2. talking about your day at work
3. panting, softly moaning, crying out
4. telling your partner, with or without words, what you like
>> When it comes to sexual anatomy, which describes how much you know?
1. I know that "a" goes into "b"
2. high school was the last time I even thought about looking "down there"
3. I think about transcending my body during sex
4. I know where and how i like to be stimulated
>> What new techniques are you willing to try?
1. I have wondered what is would be like "on top"
2. I think we've tried every position in the Kama Sutra
3. I buy a new boudoir outfit or a new scented candle
4. I like to try new combinations: manual sex with oral sex and more
>>Do you have orgasms?
1. I'm not sure I've ever has one
2. I just can't wait for him to finish so I can get to sleep!
3. I prefer to focus on intimacy
4. I have my first orgasm during foreplay.
>> In your experience, when is sex over?
1. once my partner finishes, intercourse isn't possible anymore
2. when he starts snoring
3. It's never over; our love is an ongoing expressing of our passion
4. When both us lie completely sweaty, spent, relaxed, and happy.
*Stay tune for the next post for the results to your quiz*
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