Friday, May 6, 2011

Leaving Your Mark

I think that it is important throughout ones life that you "leave your mark" on people, and have individuals leave their marks on you. You all are very familiar with the saying "people come into your life for reasons and for seasons", this is exactly what I mean by "leaving your mark." If you're anything like me, I'm not a seasonal person. I like to be in people's lives for the long run, but sometimes, those individuals may cut your "reason" into a "season", which is quite fine, because you get to weed out the individuals that are basically poison to your lives. Now, I'm not saying I want to be in EVERY ones life for the long run, because sometimes right up front, you can tell that this person is just NOT for you--friendship AND relationship wise. All of the people I have EVER encounter in life, whether that be a friendship or relationship, I always think to myself if I have BURNED myself in their brains. For some, I know that I have (because I've been told), and for others, well, they are still around so you tell me! :-) And there are THOSE who have came and went just like the wind, and I'm not bothered by that one bit, because I like I stated before, that's just the process of getting rid of those individuals that do NOT need to be in your life.

I want to focus this post on those individuals that are still in your life (such as your very close friends), and those that were in your life for a while but left recently, whether that be because of a break-up or just differences in a friendship. Every single one of the people that I consider my friends I would ABSOLUTELY without a doubt fight for their friendship if I was in the wrong, or even if they were. (It also depends on the severity of the situation, because some things you JUST can't accept, but assuming that the situation wasn't EXTREME lol.)  They have burned themselves in my brain that it's impossible to imagine my life without them. Some I've known since my 7th grade year in middle school, and others I have met in college. I love them all in different ways and couldn't ask for God to send me a group of better friends. Now, when it comes to relationship aspects, I think that's where you wonder the most if you've really left your mark, especially if it was a long term relationship. For some, you can care less whether you do or not, You're just ready to move on to the next one. But for some, you sit back and think to yourself  "does he/she ever think about me", "did he/she learn anything from relationship", and even you may think to yourself "damn, well I ever really be over this person", or "is there a chance that our paths will meet again in the future", etc. If it gets to that point, then frankly, that person has left a permanent mark on you, and it's pretty likely that you've done the same for them. If you're a thinker like me, sometimes it's too hard to really answer that question, based on the way that person is treating you. (maybe by not talking to you, ignoring you, or just trying to physically "erase" you from their sight), buuuttt, to EACH it's own in this case. Lol.

The overall point is that no matter what the situation or YOUR situation may be, I think it's important to leave your mark. Even with a stranger. Always remember this--People may not remember what you've did for them, but they will ALWAYS remember how you made them feel. So take that into consideration. Your goal should NOT be to walk around trying to BURN yourself in people brains. That's never the way to go. Be yourself! Another thing, do not hold GRUDGES. Seriously people, life is WAAAAYY to short for that. You talk about leaving a mark, you REALLY don't want your last memory that you have of someone is with you guys going at it or even not expressing how you  truly feel about them. I think the sooner people realize that, a lot of bridges can be rebuild and the happier you'll be. But hey, that's my opinion.


  1. Greetings!!

    Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on my "LIGMO" piece!! That really helped a lot and just to hear that someone else understands makes it a lot better. I think I've gotten to the point where I'm confused and am done trying to understand how guys think!

    I do think it's important to be thankful for those individuals in your life and try to move on from those who've moved on from you.

    I love, love your blog posts and I will continue to read!

  2. Hola!

    No problem hun! I'm glad that my words have helped you. That brings so much joy to me! :-) Girl, we've all been there, and some of us are still going through it. It sucks! I told you, guys are STUPID! lol. But don't let their stupidity bring you down.

    I appreciate the fact that you enjoy my blog posts. Thanks for reading! Trust...I won't stop with the random things that go through my mind (which sparks a lot of these posts.)

    Don't be a stranger! :-)
