As a person who is persistent, I can respect when someone is trying to go after something that they want. Whether it's a new career, a new hobby, a new adventure, etc. I find that quite commendable and bold. Persistence is the key to getting things you want nowadays. Individuals sometimes allow things to slip through their grasps because they never stayed on top of things and had a "
laid back" attitude, which is a BIG NO-NO. When it comes to trying to spark a relationship or even a potential interest or vibe with someone of the opposite sex ( or the same sex for some)...
NEGATIVE...and especially with a person like me..

These days, it's hard to meet men and women out there. Ones that really grab your attention and make you curious to even get to know them even better, which can eventually turn into something. Trust me, I know. That's
RARE out there. Lol. I seem to be one of those individuals though based on what others have told me, and that's a compliment because I'd like to believe that I'm a rare
BREED when it comes to women these days--I'm not like most. Well, I guess guys sense that once they get to know me and decide that they want to pounce! Well,
PUMP YOUR BRAKES for a second sir. I never said I was interested! lol. I love it when a guy that I'm
GENUINELY INTO is persistent. Someone who can sweep me off my feet with initial conversation, spark intellect, very handsome, leave a bit of a mystery, make me feel like I'm on top of the world with him with every encounter (I'm talking
NON-sexual people ), and just overall my type of guy I can vibe with. (My recent relationship, he did all that and more!)
Nowadays, certain guys are just too eagered ! I had a really good conversation with a young gentlemen I met probably a month ago. He told me how he was still in love with his ex that broke it off with him a year ago, and I revealed a little bit about the situation that was going on with me at that time. He has the same birthday as the guy in my recent relationship so I thought that was quite ironic, but he was a cool guy to talk to. Not interested in him, not my type of guy at all, but didn't mind being cool with him and building a friendship. A BIG MISTAKE I tell you! There's no secret that he's interested me in, but the other way around...hmmmm..
NO! Sorry! *
Melly shrugs* It's not even my style to put people on blast because I'm such a nice person, and who am I to rain on your parade, but SIR, I'm just
NOT that into you. Actually, I'm
NOT into you at all! Lol.
I know that my female readers out there can relate. I find myself getting annoyed and irritated with guys that are just trying
WAY too hard. Let it come naturally. Persistence is great, but make sure she's feeling you. Please take notes, if she's always telling you that she's busy, she's not into you. Everyone makes time for what they want, and if she was really interested in getting to know you, she'd find a way to fit you into her busy schedule. The same applies to guys as well. If while you're texting her and she responses in a one worded answer, or even IGNORES your text, she's not into you. So why do you continue to try? I ask you to do me this favor, for women
EVERYWHERE around the world--
HANG IT UP and proceed on to the next one.
I'm just saying...
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