Friday, April 22, 2011

Sailing Souls

I have to say. I get a RUSH out of finding new music. Given the week that I have, there's nothing better that brings me joy then MUSIC...NEW MUSIC at that. NEW GOOD MUSIC! This young lady is not a stranger to the music game at all. She's very familiar to those who were B2K fans back in the day *raises hand* Remember the songs "Happy", "Dog", and "He Couldn't Kiss"? (just to shake your memory :-) ) Anywho, for those who do not know her, let me introduce you to Ms. Jhene Akio Efuru Chilombo. (b.k.a Jhene Akio.) I stumbled upon her mixtape today titled Sailing Souls and I have to say...I LOVE IT!! It's exactly what I needed at this very moment. Honestly, she's like the female version of Drake. Her voice, a different sound from the rest, but that makes her stand out even more. She DEFINITELY can sing--HANDS DOWN! So far, I've been playing "Stranger" back to back to BACK. It's my fav on this mixtape, but honestly, I love all the songs. "My Mine", "You vs. Them", "Do Better Blues", "Hoe" feat Miguel, "July" feat Drake (which I heard a year ago) and many more. It's a great listen and I don't think you'll be disappointed at all. Check out the song that I have
been playing back below. Enjoy! :-)

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