I know
EVERYONE has been down this road before. You break up with your girlfriend/boyfriend, and if you're ending on good terms, the first suggestion is "
Can we be friends?" Believe me, been there, done that! But I guess the question of the hour...or the current moment...is can you
REALLY be friends with an ex? Well, I think the answer is simple to me. Depending on the type of relationship you guys had, and how it ended, I think that it is possible down the road. I think women, and I am guilty of it myself, feel like if we can't have you as a boyfriend, then why not as a friend? Because in essence, we don't want to lose them...
ESPECIALLY if the relationship was
GREAT. But sometimes, becoming friends with someone you we're with for so long can become painful, because there's a certain way you have to act as friends that is much different then the way you acted being a couple. It sucks, but it's the truth. I also feel that if you become friends with an ex where the relationship ended on good terms, you're bound to get back together, because you realize with time...and even hanging around them...that breaking up wasn't even the smart thing to do. Maybe at the
TIME it was, but as time went by, you realize that you still in
FACT still want them. (Also,
BEEN THERE, DONE THAT!) But to sum this all up,
YES, I think that it
ALSO think that the best bet is to allow space and time from the break up to make that move. When and/or if that time comes, you'll either realize 1.) HEY...I can definitely get use to this new found friendship, 2.) You want to get back together, or 3.) It's TOO painful to be with them, without
BEING with them. Catch my drift?
Now, there is another side of befriending an ex. Some people have exes from the past...say high school....that they are still cool with. I happen to be one of those people. Although we are no longer together,(and its been YEARS) we got to a point where we remained cool, and I've always admired that aspect of us, because we've NEVER crossed that line AGAIN. In my most recent relationship though, rules definitely had to be in place. I can respect the friendship that I have with this person that I've known for 10+ years, but ALSO, my relationship comes first and I definitely have to respect the person that I am involved with. I never allowed the two to intersect each other. Yes, I can and will check up on you from time to time, but KNOW that my man will ALWAYS come first. So really, it's all about your maturity level and your priorities when it comes to this side of befriending an ex. KEEP IN MIND THOUGH that exes sometimes DO HAVE hidden agendas. If that line so happens to be crossed, it is up to you to DISTANCE yourself from that person. (Assuming that you are in a relationship...if you're not...well....frankly, that's different and up to you to decide what YOU want to do about that situation)
So, I ask the question again, can you REALLY be friends with an ex? Well, I've given you my thoughts and views on the subject matter. What is your opinion?
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