Sunday, March 6, 2011

We Broke Up...I Didn't Try To Kill You! Why the Cold Shoulder?!

I have to start off this post with a long uuuuuuggggggghhhhhhh! Lol. Okay, now that I've gotten THAT out of my system, I have to say that this is something that really annoys me. Like really--GRINDS MY GEARS! Break ups happen, and in fact it's inevitable for some. Some end bad, and others end on good terms. I personally know of a few ladies that have ended their relationships on good terms, but the guy basically acted ghost after those words have been spoken ( mind you, he's the one that initiated the break up.) I'm talking about deleting your phone number, throwing stuff that reminds him of you away, deleting you from social network sites, untagging pictures on Facebook, deleting the friends that he's met through you, ignoring your calls, emails, etc. JUST THE WHOLE NINE! And I just really have to stand back and have a BIG "SMH" MOMENT at it all, because it doesn't make a LICK of sense to me.

GRANTED, I understand that people in general have to distance themselves from the person that they have recently broken up with, and that's why space is there and is needed. But to go to the extreme and commit all those unnecessary acts is...well...UNNECESSARY. Dude, we just broke up...I didn't cheat on you, didn't disrespect you, didn't physically or verbally abuse you, didn't disregard your feelings, didn't try to kill you, so why are you acting like I have the bubonic plague or something? Does that make you feel better? Does that make you forget about me? Does that make you sleep better at night? CMON SON!! Lol. Quit the dramatics!

Although it is ashame when things like this transpires, the truth of the matter is that it really isn't helpful. ESPECIALLY, if the relationship didn't end on bad terms. That might be the guys way of healing, but in truth, he's doing more damage then good in my opinion. Someone once said, "Memories only fade if you let them, but all it takes is one thing to SPARK them." And if the relationship was a GREAT relationship...who are you KIDDING? Lol. REALLY have to be honest with yourself. It takes more then deleted messages, phones numbers and such to get over a person, because honestly, you don't get over someone that you love that quickly...or even FORGET about them like that. And if you CAN...then...that means you were never in LOVE with them in the first place.

So fellas, the next time you want to have your version of a "Waiting To Exhale" moment, really stop and think about what you're doing and if it's even necessary. And ask yourself is it really worth it to go to the EXTREME when this person meant EVERYTHING to you once upon a time (assuming the relationship was great and you didn't end on bad terms) Think about it...

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