Saturday, March 5, 2011

Now Boarding the Lover's Express--Blog Launch!

Hello ladies and gents! I have to say that I am a bit excited about this new project that I am taking on. This is my first and EVER blog that I have ever created all by myself. (Go me, go me! *as I do the cabbage patch*). Various events that have transpired within these last few days that have inspired to make a blog. I have friends who have blogs and I'd have to say the one that has inspired me the most is my dear wifey. (I love you Ari...*big hugs*) Now before you all get your panties/boxers all in a bunch about my sexuality, "wifey" is one of my best friends that I have had the pleasure of knowing for 5 years. She's the one that told me to embrace my randomness and go for it. So once again, shout out to the wife! Also, I wanted to give a shout out to the other individual that has played a major part in the launch of my blog. He know who he is, and also gave me the idea for the name of this blog, and I GENUINELY have to thank him for all the experiences that I went through with him--good and bad. To the man that will probably have my heart for a while. Bittersweet I must say, but you have allowed me to take this opportunity to focus on myself. To grow, experience, learn, and embrace this point of my life. So I thank you once again, for everything. 143!

Alright, enough of the sentimental stuff (I'm SUCH a sap, it's quite disgusting, but you will see that side of me VERY often lol). As I have stated again and again, I am the most RANDOM person when it comes to thoughts. So I took it upon myself to create a journey of thoughts that you guys can follow along with me. My thoughts mainly consists of love, food, music, fashion, the future but definitely not limited to ANYTHING. So you will see a myriad of postings on this blog. So I warn you ahead of time for the drastic posting from one subject to the next. When the wheels start turning in my head, my mind GOES! My personality will definitely shine through this too, so you guys will get a sense of who Mel B is. I must say that I am a very private person and won't be relieving the NITTY GRITTY aspects of my life, but I am very open to share my thoughts, my loves, my dislikes, etc.

And please feel free to leave comments on any of my post. I'm an open-minded individual that embraces positive and negative feedback. Or just plain ole comments. I apologize in advance if I offend anyone with my posts. This is an honest space and honesty is what I will be projecting at all times--HATE IT or LOVE IT!

Anywhoooo, sit back, relax, and enjoy this ride on the Lover's Express.


-Mel B.